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Exercise Options

All dogs crave enrichment!

Many problem behaviors can be prevented or alleviated with the addition of structured exercise and enrichment to a good training program. Many dogs require this type of attention several times per week which can be very time consuming; we’re here to help!

A variety of activities on a regular basis can help keep a dog mentally stimulated, satisfied, and ready for a nap!

Dogs can enjoy one or a combination of the activities listed below.

Limitations apply.


A complimentary 30-minute Meet and Greet is offered to all new and perspective clients!

During all activities, dogs are offered fresh water at regular intervals, their waste is picked up, and everything is done with safety in mind!

You will receive a detailed update of your dog's adventure after the service is complete.



30 minutes - $25

60 minutes - $45

90 minutes - $65

120 minutes - $85



Bulk Discounts Available:


$10 per additional dog per scheduled service

Save 20% if a full week of enrichment is scheduled at time of purchase



A low pressure, low energy walking excursion for your dog around your neighborhood, or at a safe destination of your choice, with a focus on exploring the environment and encouraging your dog’s natural instinct to investigate their surroundings. Sniffaris focus less on distance travelled or physical exercise and more on mental stimulation, desensitization, and acclimation to the world around them.



​Provides exercise and mental stimulation for our senior dogs

Keeps higher energy dogs active on the days they are resting from hard exercise earlier in the week

Allows anxious dogs a safe way to explore their world

Provides life experience and safe exercise for growing puppies

Recommended for:


Dogs and puppies of all ages



30 minutes

60 minutes




Structured Walks

A walk through your neighborhood, or at a safe destination of your choice, with a focus on basic obedience behaviors and life skills. This is a great way to reinforce good behavior in an environment with greater, real-world distractions. Walks are broken up into periods of work and periods of rest when the dog can take a break and interact with the environment. 




​Provides extra mental stimulation while reinforcing learned behaviors in a more distracting environment with the support of an experienced handler

Recommended for:


Dogs and puppies 6 months and older with exerpience in our training programs



30 minutes

60 minutes



Available to current and past training clients


Play Time

Just what it sounds like! In the safety of your back yard or at a favorite park on a lead or long line, we will spend time engaging in your dog’s favorite play activities! We can play fetch, have a belly rub, tug, explore an empty playground or a riverbank, or do whatever else you think your dog might enjoy!



​Promotes connection and engagement

Provides variety to your dog's weekly activities

Can build confidence with simple obstacles

Recommended for:


Dogs and puppies of all ages



30 minutes

60 minutes




Fitness Run

A 2-3 mile run at your dog’s pace through your neighborhood, or at a safe destination of your choice.  There is limited space available for this activity in each week, schedule ahead of time!




​Provides more fitness and exercise than a standard walk

Reinforces leash manners at a faster, more stimulating pace

Recommended for:


Dogs 12 months and older



30 minutes




For health reasons, this service is not available to dogs younger than 12 months



A higher intensity workout for active dogs with energy to burn! Your dog will enjoy running at their own pace through the great outdoors while being led by an experienced handler on a bike. Safety is paramount to the success of this activity, therefore your dog must be preapproved before being scheduled for this service. However, if your dog does not meet the criteria initially, additional training and experience can allow your dog to be successful at this fun activity!



​Provides even more fitness and exercise than a standard run

Recommended for:


Dogs 12 months and older



60 minutes

90 minutes



Pre-approval required


Let your dog really explore the great outdoors on any of our great local hiking trails! Hiking is a great way to let dogs build confidence while getting exercise and learning about their environment by encountering sights, sounds, and smells they may have not experienced before.




Exploring nature has endless benefits for dogs and puppies!

Recommended for:


Dogs and puppies of all ages



60 minutes

90 minutes

120 minutes




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