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Training Programs

Our training focuses on a positive and fun experience for your dog while also maintaining boundaries and establishing rules within the household. Our goal is to create a happy and connected relationship between you and your dog built on a foundation of trust and clear communication. Good training focuses less on the destination, and more on you and your dog enjoying the journey.


Our training programs include complimentary email consultation throughout the duration of your program. Success between sessions is important not only for the continuation of quality learning for your dog, but also for building your confidence as your dog’s primary educator.


Please note that the Connecticut sales tax of 6.35% applies to all training purchases


Basic Obedience

Basic obedience is the foundation for both a good relationship and a peaceful cohabitation with your dog. This first level of training begins to establish a middle ground of mutually understood communication between all parties involved.


Behaviors Covered



Loose leash walking







Leave It


Greeting visitors politely




Six 1-hour Sessions:



Intermediate Obedience

Our intermediate obedience program builds on the skills that have been developed during basic obedience. Behaviors are solidified by increasing duration and distance, and by slowly introducing higher levels of distraction.



Behaviors Covered


All behaviors from Basic Obedience


Down from stand



Six 1-hour Sessions:



Advanced Obedience

The advanced obedience program is what really puts a shine on a well-trained dog. Previously learned behaviors are put to the test with longer durations and even higher levels of distraction. More advanced behaviors are also introduced to increase connection between dog and handler and to help teach the dog to work through activities that are mentally challenging. 


Behaviors Covered


All behaviors from Basic and Intermediate Obedience

Cues during movement

Cues during recall




Six 1-hour Sessions:


All obedience programs are available for dogs that are six months of age or older.

In most cases, previous programs must be completed to begin the intermediate and advanced obedience programs, but a placement consultation will be considered if you feel your dog is already prepared for more challenging work.


Puppy Program

Starting a puppy early is the easiest way to prevent behavioral problems later in life! Our puppy program covers a wide range of topics including an introduction to obedience, manners training, housetraining, and good behavior during routine care tasks. Introducing a dog to positive behaviors and confidence building activities during puppyhood can make all the difference to the quality of life for both you and your dog. The Puppy Program is available only to puppies who are eight weeks to six months of age.


Behaviors Covered




Crate training

Bite inhibition


Greeting visitors




Loose leash games


Leave It

Basic obstacles

Supervision solutions



Touch desensitization

Hygiene and care tasks


Being alone



Eight 1-hour Sessions:



Virtual Training

Virtual training is a great option for those who want one on one, real-time training, but are not able to accomodate a trainer in their home. While in-person training is the most effective, many things can still be accomplished via webcam. We will be able to work with your dog, as well as demonstrate any techniques needed. Virtual training is effective for Basic Obedience training, as well as most behaviors covered in our Puppy Program. If you have other needs and are interested in Virtual Training, we can discuss if your goals are possible via this platform.





Email Consultation

Email consultation is a unique opportunity to ask all of your pressing training and other dog-related questions. Topics of all kinds are encouraged! You will receive a professional, detail-filled response in a timely manner. Most responses are approximately 1,000 to 2,000 words.


First Email Consultation:



Two Follow Up Email Consultations:

(to be used within 14 days)

$25 each



Single Training Sessions

Single sessions are also available outside of regular training programs. They can be used to address any aspect of training you like. Suggestions include brushing up on obedience skills before moving on to the Intermediate or Advanced Obedience program, addressing a particular behavioral problem, teaching your dog a special trick, or to introduce them to basic obstacle work. What can be accomplished in these sessions is limited only by the imagination.


One 1-hour Session:



Save $5 per session if six or more are purchased at one time

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